Aberash Bekele is a women and girls’ advocate who works on the issues of violence against women and telefa, the kidnapping of child brides, in Ethiopia. When she was 14 years old, she stood trial for murder after killing the 29-year old farmer who abducted and raped her in a failed attempt to force her into marriage. At the time, Aberash was the first young woman to ever resist this practice and her story became a legal precedent setting court case that outlawed the kidnapping of child brides in Ethiopia. Her court case galvanized a turning point in Ethiopian legal history as she became the first woman to claim self-defense in a court of law and win. Aberash’s life story is the subject of the Sundance award-winning featurelength film entitled DIFRET executive produced by Angelina Jolie Pitt and written/directed by Zeresenay Berhane Mehari.