Overall Rank: | 53 |
Points: | 8.1 |
Awards Won: | 2 |
Finalist(s) Achieved: | 0 |
Best in Show(s) Won: | 0 |
Gold(s) Won: | 0 |
Silver(s) Won: | 0 |
Bronze(s) Won: | 2 |
Region: | India |
Campaign Name | Brand | Advertiser | Agency | Location | Category | Awards Program | Awards Won |
In-Play Mobile Ad Technology Delivers Sweet Success for Hershey’s Jolly Rancher Campaign | Jolly Rancher | The Hershey Company | Interactive Avenues | India | Gaming, Gamification & E-Sports | Smarties India | Bronze |
In-Play Mobile Ad Technology Delivers Sweet Success for Hershey’s Jolly Rancher Campaign | Jolly Rancher | The Hershey Company | Digital Turbine | India | Gaming, Gamification & E-Sports | Smarties India | Bronze |