Overall Rank: | 11 |
Points: | 85.7 |
Awards Won: | 4 |
Finalist(s) Achieved: | 4 |
Best in Show(s) Won: | 0 |
Gold(s) Won: | 1 |
Silver(s) Won: | 3 |
Bronze(s) Won: | 0 |
Location: | Shanghai |
Region: | APAC |
Network: | Dentsu |
Campaign Name | Brand | Advertiser | Agency | Location | Category | Awards Program | Awards Won |
Defeating cyber Bad Friends together | Alphabet | Dentsu Creative | Vietnam | Brand Purpose / Activism, Social Impact Marketing | Smarties APAC | Gold, Finalist | |
Raising the bar 11x on Lifetime value | Pernod Ricard | Pernod Ricard | Dentsu Creative | Vietnam | Data Insights / Contextual Marketing | Smarties APAC | Finalist |
Sturdo | Bridgestone | Bridgestone | Dentsu Creative | India | Brand Experience | Smarties India | Silver |
Defeating cyber Bad Friends together | Alphabet | Dentsu Creative | Vietnam | Gaming, Gamification & E-Sports | Smarties Vietnam | Silver | |
Raising the bar 11x on Lifetime value | Pernod Ricard | Pernod Ricard | Dentsu Creative | Vietnam | Customer Journey Marketing - Lead Generation / CRM, Data Insights / Contextual Marketing | Smarties Vietnam | Silver, Finalist |
The Retail Robot that Goes to You | Hada Lobo | Rohto | Dentsu Creative | Vietnam | O2O / New Retail / Innovative & New Tech Sales Channels | Smarties Vietnam | Finalist |