Mobile Local Search (March 2007) | MMA Global

Mobile Local Search (March 2007)

Mobile Local Search (March 2007)

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Original report price:  $995 USD

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Location-based or proximity-based search is a very important factor in presenting local search results. Local search engines use a different algorithm than the main search engines - a location-based algorithm.  If a user self-provisions his location (by including a city name, zip code, area code, or address in his query), or if the location information is provided automatically via a GPS or similar, listings can be filtered according to proximity to that particular location (in addition to other metrics/filters) to make them more relevant. 

Awareness of mobile local search continues to grow with consumers, creating new opportunities for brands and vendors to exploit the power of the mobile channel. Written by Kris Kolodziej an industry veteran in the location technology field for almost a decade, this report evaluates location-based search business opportunities and vendors that exploit them, and provides an analysis of the current market and technology landscape. 

Report Coverage Includes:


·          Business drivers for mobile search from mobile operators perspective

·          Mobile local search value chain assessment and mapping of players

·          Strategy analysis and recommendations for suppliers and wireless carriers

·          Analysis and assessment of world-wide mobile search deployments

·          Evaluation of pros and cons of white-label search vs. Google, Yahoo, etc.

·          Analysis of user interface issues and evaluation of voice-enabled search

·          Overview of positioning solutions including cellular and non-cellular

·          Primary market research survey results ranking key mobile local search relevancy factors including profiling, usage patterns, and real-time location

·          Evaluation of the differences between desktop vs. mobile searching with an emphasis on search category, user interface issues, and attribute data

·          Evaluation of key attributes that multiply value localization including preferences, behaviors, demographics, business and product information, business and product rankings, and "geo-tags"


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