MMA COVID-19 Marketer Support Hub | MMA Global

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Subscribe to Last Week in Digital Media

A summary of the news in digital media, marketing, and technology authored by Joshua Lowcock, EVP, Chief Digital & Innovation Officer / Global Brand Safety
Officer, UM.

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Tracking COVID-19 and its Impact Around the World

Tracking COVID-19 Progression

Consumer Confidence & Perspectives

Tracking the Financial Markets

Location Data and Social Distancing Index

Human Resources, Business Tools and Tips

MMA MOSTT (Marketing Organization Structure Think Tank)

Crisis Management

Tips for working from home and managing teams remotely

What to do if you have to cut or furlough your teams?

What to do if you have been cut or furloughed?

Sources for Business Funding and Lending

Kids Section

Marketing and Advertising TODAY! & in the Future

To Advertise or Not to Advertise: that is the question

Things to consider when advertising in a downturn

Tone of voice/messaging

Brand Building in a Crisis

Marketer guidance: Boosting Marketing Performance

Advertising Spend Projections

Marketing Success Stories During the Current Crisis

The Great Marketing Debates

Marketing & Advertising Insights from MMA Members

Building Our Marketing Community

MMA Virtual Events

MMA Webinar Series: Strategies for Marketers in a Crisis

What MMA Members are Doing to Support Businesses and Marketers

Member Slack Workspace and Discussion Channels

MMA Board Members Perspectives

MMA CEO Corner PSA Toolkit to help stop the spread

Consumer Trends and Market Research

Shopping and Spending Trends by Sector

Consumer Values and Attitudes: Family, Health other

Media Consumption

Global Trends, Consumer Attitudes and Marketer Priorities

Regional trends from around the globe

Consumer Attitudes: Brand Advertising and Marketing

Marketer Attitudes and Priorities

Light-Hearted Moments

Funny Videos/Memes

Human Interest Stories

MMA Staff Picks

Honoring the Heroes on the Frontlines