October 31, 2017
Submitted by Tata Communications
2sms is a solutions provider offering time-sensitive Application-to-Person (A2P) mobile messaging services. Addressing employees, customers and any other audience of choice, its global capabilities facilitate multiple delivery methods via all major mobile networks.
Following unprecedented growth, 2sms was seeking a strategic partnership with a leading mobile messaging service provider to help develop global growth. The partner would need to help 2sms connect with mobile networks across the globe and ensure delivery and receipt of time-critical text messages worldwide.
The challenge was to create this enhanced solution without impacting on current network availability, while at the same time giving the business access to markets for future growth.
Tata Communications partnered with 2sms to offer a fully-managed Mobile Messaging Exchange platform that assured a one-hop delivery to most global destinations. The solution was tailored to offer 2sms the ability to leverage massive growth in the Application-to-Person mobile messaging market.
The Mobile Messaging Exchange platform allows 2sms access to a ready-made global community of over 200 mobile network operators, already serving 80% of mobile phone subscribers worldwide.
2sms has seen compelling results since the adoption of the service. They have seen 1.7 million client messages a month being carried over Mobile Messaging Exchange, with volume set to grow to four million.
The scalable solution has enabled 2sms to focus on its core business rather than network infrastructure. As a result, it can now quickly reach new global markets with its cost competitive service offering volume-related commercial benefits.
The fully-managed Mobile Messaging Exchange platform readily allows a seamless connection of secure text-based apps to mobile networks around the globe. Customer texts are sent instantly, with low latency for immediate delivery, so offering an enhanced customer experience.
“We believe both companies win, with a high-quality SMS offering for the private and public sectors through a mutually-rewarding strategic partnership.”
Tim King, Managing Director, 2sms