September 19, 2014
Submitted by JUICE Mobile
For publishers, mobile is an itch spreading over greater sections of skin, tingling more ferociously every second. Scratching doesn’t make it worse, but certainly fails to relieve the symptoms. Publishers continue to struggle in their mobile monetization efforts: because there’s little incentive for direct sales to evangelize the channel (particularly when it comes to display), programmatic would seem to be the savior. However, the success of desktop advertising and transaction models ported to mobile has been limited. Fortunately, mobile is still a young space, filled with opportunities for innovation – it’s a prime time for publishers to embrace new tools and advertising units. As JUICE Mobile CEO and President Neil Sweeney puts it, “today’s methodologies and ad units will not be tomorrow’s.” In this sweeping interview, Sweeney explains how mobile inventory has already been commoditized, the limitations of programmatic tools that don’t cater to advertisers, and why being mobile focused and having no legacy online business is an advantage for a provider. Oh, and we dive a bit into wearables and the connected-device frontier.
Read the full AdMonsters article.