February 23, 2007

Bluetooth Marketing – Another Obstacle Behind
TeriMobile company announces a Bluetooth marketing device: Wi-Streamer™ .
The uniqueness of the device is that it enables exchange of the information with the mobile devices at as long a distance as <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />120 metres, while the ordinary Bluetooth devices though being able to send signals to up to 100 metres, cannot reach the response of the mobile phones that signal back to no more than 10 to 15 metres. Our solution has overcome this obstacle.
Wi-Streamer™ enables brands to:
- send content of various kinds: music, images, games etc.
- send advertising material: movie trailers, discount information, images and logos
- arrange Bletooth-based games
- carry out queries and votes with no charges for the communication target audience.
The Streamer works with the specially developed Wi-Stream-Soft™ 1.0 software. The device works in automatic mode and can be controlled remotely.
TeriMobile company has developed the device for hypermarkets and supermarkets, cafes and bars, restaurants and entertainment centres, where numerous visitors will have a chance to enjoy the offers from the service providers that market their services through Bluetooth technology.
For further information please contact
Mr. Zalim Nastaev
Head of Marketing Department, TeriMobile
Tel./Fax: +7 495 785 3385
[email protected]
http://www.terimobile.com<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />