January 19, 2007
9 Squared Launches Celebrity Text Message Service with Snoop Dogg
Users Receive Messages from Favorite Celebrities on Their Handset
Denver, CO – January 19, 2006 – 9 Squared, Inc., the leader in mobile media solutions and part of the MonsterMob Group PLC, announces the launch of The Snoop Dogg Chronicles powered by The In Crowd. For the first time ever, beginning December 2006, users throughout <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />North America will be able to receive promotional and personal text messages directly from Snoop Dogg to their mobile phone.
The In Crowd is a direct-to-consumer service that will be backed by a national advertising campaign including TV, print and online campaigns. The service allows subscribers to receive three text messages weekly from the celebrity of their choice. Other feature celebrity message senders include hip hop star Xzibit, Andy Milonakis of MTV, John Salley of “The Best Damn Sports Show Period”.
Wireless carriers including Verizon, Cingular, Sprint, T Mobile, Alltel, and Dobson are on board to distribute the personalized messages to their users, resulting in the ability to reach over 150 million cell phones. 9 Squared is working directly with major and independent record labels, music publishers and entertainment agencies to build their catalog of world-class artists for the new service, The In Crowd.
“The ongoing popularity of the fusion between the mobile industry and the entertainment industry among wireless users is exploding right now,” explains Ted Suh, Chief Marketing Officer at 9 Squared, Inc. “Offering a subscription to receive personal messages from a nationally recognized personality such as Snoop opens the door for another engaging, fun way that users can enjoy their wireless experience.”
Snoop Dogg, is considered an icon in entertainment and a living legend in the rap world. Currently under the record label of Doggystyle/Geffen, he recently released his newest album “Tha Blue Carpet Treatment”. In his fifteen-year career, Snoop has sold 17.6 million albums.
9 Squared, Inc., a subsidiary of UK-listed global content provider Monstermob Group PLC, is a leader in developing and aggregating entertainment-related content for mobile phones, and a leading producer for Qualcomm's BREW® platform. Equipped with an extensive catalog of premium content and expanding distribution channels, 9 Squared competencies expand the entire spectrum of mobile media, from evolving technical platforms to working with the top wireless and entertainment companies in the world. Since 2001, 9 Squared has remained the leader, with over 30 million downloads to date, among its competitors with a select group of professionals working to bring the best in mobile content and technologies to millions of consumers.
Monstermob Group PLC is a UK-based family of companies that are engaged in the mobile phone entertainment sector in North America, South America, Eastern Europe, China, and Southeast Asia. Since the foundation of the company in June 2000, MonsterMob has handled over 20 million transactions, delivering products and services to more than 6 million consumers. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />