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Mobile Marketing

What does the boom of mobile data mean for digital marketers today? Check out the article below, or follow here to read the full article on Mobile Marketer.
By the time you finish reading the fourth paragraph of this article, users will send 240 million emails, Tweet 277,000 times, share content 2.46 million times on Facebook, upload 72 hours of new video to YouTube and post 216,000 photos to Instagram. 
Marketers that develop new channels to reach mobile shoppers will be the winners in the automotive space this year as brands boost budgets to establish their identity with on-the-go buyers and hard-to-reach millennials.

How Google is transforming the mobile landscape

For publishers, mobile is an itch spreading over greater sections of skin, tingling more ferociously every second. Scratching doesn’t make it worse, but certainly fails to relieve the symptoms. Publishers continue to struggle in their mobile monetization efforts: because there’s little incentive for direct sales to evangelize the channel (particularly when it comes to display), programmatic would seem to be the savior. However, the success of desktop advertising and transaction models ported to mobile has been limited.

In days gone by, sports fans used to be glued to their television sets as their fingernails were reduced to dust and their favourite players collided during televised, high profile sporting tournaments like the World Cup. All that has changed, however, and today they are spending as much time looking at mobile devices as they are watching the game. The use of mobile devices as a ‘second screen’ has already taken off, as these statistics from 2012 demonstrate.
In days gone, sports fans used to be glued to their television sets as their fingernails were reduced to dust and their favourite players collided during televised, high profile sporting tournaments like the World Cup. All that has changed, however, and today they are spending as much time looking at mobile devices as they are watching the game. The use of mobile devices as a ‘second screen’ has already taken off, as these statistics from 2012 demonstrate.
Launched in 2010 real time bidding (RTB) essentially the automation of buying and optimising digital media campaigns in real-time, through an auction between the buyer and seller. RTB has totally revolutionised the way in which we buy media. Previously planner buyers would decide what ad inventory to buy and go direct to the media owner. Now, with RTB, we are able to be much more flexible with the inventory we buy and are seeing more efficient outcomes. The question is, will the industry fully embrace this buying model and what does it mean for the future of media buying?
‘Go mobile or go home’ is the only way websites can truly get moving in the congested tariff of the online world today. Websites are actually beginning to notice that traffic to their sites from smartphones and tablets is starting to resemble the M25. With mobile devices everywhere, be it android or iOS, consumers are using them at every spare moment. This can no longer be ignored, it is time to seize the opportunity and run with it.
New whitepaper reveals only 10% of marketers in India and Southeast Asia are mobile remarketing ready, while mobile traffic continues to explode