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Mobile Marketing

5 ways to use real-world insights and data analytics to engage with consumers visiting stores
Consumer-centricity and one-to-one relationship building are now core concepts of modern marketing, so getting to know the consumer is vital for retail brands. But we all know this can be challenging in an offline environment. Fortunately, the increased use of mobile devices in store – nine in ten people now use a smartphone while shopping – combined with vast volumes of data analytics, science and marketing knowhow, has provided a wealth of in-depth consumer knowledge.
Think with Google - An Agency Perspective: Elevating Digital Marketing Performance

Just published on Think with Google - Mobile & Retail - Mobile is the new battleground for brands, yet many marketers struggle to understand how digital marketing trends can influence growth. Google's VP of Marketing, Lisa Gevelber, spoke to SVP of Media at iCrossing, Christine Bensen, about how brands can elevate performance in a mobile-first world.

Mobile IP Targeting Myths and Facts
The profusion of mobile devices has changed the way companies reach and engage with customers. Marketing tactics will involve delivering content tailored not only to where people are in the customer journey, but also to where they are physically located, and when and how they access their information. Successful mobile marketing will really be about delivering contextual relevance―content applicable to a specific moment in time. A person’s location can provide much more insight about who they are based on demographic and other lifestyle contextual assumptions.
Millennial on mobile device
We are all well aware of millennials. Every article written in the past couple of years seems to be about them. I am one; you are one; crikey, the person next to you might even be one too. And yet marketers are still intimidated by these supposedly smart, self-absorbed creatures with the attention span of kittens (just as ruthless too) and the spending power of King Midas.

Oh, summer, we sure will miss you. But until we meet again next year, Back-to-School season (and all the prep leading up to the big first day) will make sure to keep us all busy. Take a look at our latest Infographic, WTQ: Back-to-School Edition – Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know You Wanted, detailing some rather interesting shopping behavior that took up your time. Brought to you from ownerIQ’s massive second-party data cloud – enjoy!

If you find yourself asking, “what is second-party data and why do I need it in my digital marketing initiatives?” Ask no more. The Q has you covered with our latest Infographic, which explains the difference between first, second and third-party data, and provides simple examples to help illustrate the benefits of each data set for your marketing initiatives. Check it out!
Anil Mathews, Founder & CEO, Near
Brands today collect multiple data points across consumer interactions, ranging from key promotional events and social comments to consumer whereabouts and inquiries. One of the key challenges faced by brands and enterprises is to fuse these multiple data streams in real-time and act on them. Overcoming this challenge would redefine how brands interact with their consumers using data today. Here is how: 1. A power shift
5 In-App Campaigns That Really Work!

It’s one thing to be able to send targeted, personalized and triggered in-app messages and campaigns. But it’s quite another to figure out exactly WHAT campaigns are going to make a real difference to your mobile business.

Fortunately, we’re here to help. Swrve works with the leading app organizations in the world, and our customer success team have delivered success for pretty much every one of them. So on the back of that knowledge, here’s five in-app campaigns that can really deliver value and ROI.


1) Promote Feature Discovery