Creative Effectiveness | MMA Global

Creative Effectiveness

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July, 2020
From A Blink to A Heartbeat

MMA's First Second Strategy Checklist and Facebook's Thumbstopper Creative Best Practices are what you need to win with short video ads.

September, 2019

To build on MMA’s commitment to science and truth, we studied the cognitive process of advertising in a mobile environment. Read the executive summary to learn more about the research and its findings, as well as the need for a First Second Strategy.

March, 2019
Education Section: 
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March, 2019

We are on the cusp of a creative revolution.

Conducted in partnership with Canva, and based on the input of close to 100 senior creative decision makers, MMA Global's first benchmark study on the state of creative process provides a guide for marketers looking to refine their approaches and drive increased value with their creative efforts.

June, 2024
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3.94 MB

In the dynamic realm of digital advertising, the Modern Marketing Association (MMA) embarked on a pioneering project with the aim to standardize engagement metrics—a keystone for evaluating campaign effectiveness and ensuring equitable evaluation of awards entries. This comprehensive guide captures the journey of the Engagement Metrics Project from its ambitious beginnings to its pivot – a pragmatic decision made in the face of the industry's complex digital ecosystem particularly with video metrics.

April, 2024

Featuring input from industry trailblazers, this is the most awaited and anticipated report to help marketing professionals strengthen their strategy to drive business growth in 2024. It covers topics such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Retail Media and the latest MarTech trends. The research in the report is backed by solid data and analyzed by experts to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

November, 2023

Featuring input from industry trailblazers, this is the most awaited and anticipated report to help marketing professionals strengthen their strategy to drive business growth in 2023. It covers topics such as CTV, Superapps and the latest MarTech trends. The research in the report is backed by solid data and analyzed by experts to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

November, 2022

New insights from a survey by the MMA, in partnership with the BCG, reveal that marketers are struggling to adapt to the shifting identity, privacy and regulatory landscape.

Among the key findings in The Year of Change In Digital Marketing report include:

Uncertainty Abounds:

  • 50% of marketers believe their CMO does not fully understand implications of changing privacy regulations and only 12% of marketers feel fully prepared for upcoming changes.

The Cookie Effect:

April, 2022