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July, 2020
A guide by MMA's AI Leadership Coalition to help Marketers identify genuine AI solutions
January, 2024
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A Guide to understanding and applying AI for marketers, covering key AI concepts and a framework for applying AI effectively and ethically. Based on the Decoding AI for Marketers training and the MIT Press book 'The AI Conundrum'.
January, 2024
Education Section: 

Featuring input from industry trailblazers, this is the most awaited and anticipated report to help marketing professionals strengthen their strategy to drive business growth in 2023. It covers topics such as CTV, Superapps and the latest MarTech trends. The research in the report is backed by solid data and analyzed by experts to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

November, 2022

In this joint project between MMA Global and Neustar, we used return on ad spend (ROAS), a widely used measure of marketing success, to develop an innovative framework to help brands target a new group of consumers: the ‘movable middles.’

January, 2021
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A major mobile app gaming company with hundreds of titles in the top charts became concerned after seeing abnormal performance in some of their campaigns. High click-throughrates and low user quality raised concerns about possible ad fraud that their own tools weren’t correctly detecting. They hoped to mitigate fraudulent tra!c to get cleaner data, which would allow them to strengthen their campaigns and improve return on ad spend (ROAS).
April, 2020
The Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Journey Map is an end-to-end guide on how to launch a successful multi-touch attribution (MTA) initiative at your organization.
October, 2019
Case studies about Danone, Patrón, Swarovski and more will change how you employ location data
December, 2018