Best Practices | MMA Global

Best Practices

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July, 2020

Covid-19 has created unprecedented disruption in every aspect of life including marketing and advertising. According to a recent study 70% of buyers have already adjusted or paused their planned ad spend, while 16% is still determining what actions to take. In this document we summarize some of the Industry’s best thinking in terms of advertising in times of crisis and we try to answer the key questions that block efficient marketing decision-making right now.

June, 2020
From A Blink to A Heartbeat

MMA's First Second Strategy Checklist and Facebook's Thumbstopper Creative Best Practices are what you need to win with short video ads.

September, 2019

Featuring input from industry trailblazers, this is the most awaited and anticipated report to help marketing professionals strengthen their strategy to drive business growth in 2024. It covers topics such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Retail Media and the latest MarTech trends. The research in the report is backed by solid data and analyzed by experts to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

November, 2023

As the world stands on the precipice of what has been called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is our privilege at the MMA Global to present this first report in a series, resulting from our benchmark study on the state of AI application in digital transformation. A reflection of collective wisdom from our Chief Digital Officers Insight Collective (CINC), this report traces the contours of the AI landscape as seen by those at the helm of digital transformation, the Chief Digital Officers (CDOs).

June, 2023
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Consumer experience is changing rapidly and expectations are evolving, with consumers now expecting a personalized experience across every brand and channel. To adapt to this environment, organizations need to focus on acquiring consumer data and developing a robust and privacy-respecting data strategy. The power of consumer data has given rise to a multibillion-dollar industry that touches all organizations in the world.

March, 2023
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