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To provide clarity, the MMA Rich Media Task Force created a set of definitions and timeline for rich media vendors and the industry to adopt as standard

New York, NY, 24 September 2012 — The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), the leading global trade association for the mobile marketing industry, today releases the publication of the “Mobile Rich Media Reporting Metrics Definitions” as part of the MMA Mobile Market Updates.

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 Mobile Marketing Association Presents The First Smarties™ India 2012 Awards
  • Maxus wins the agency of the Year award 
  • Titan HTSE’s “Light powered Media for Light Powered watch wins the Campaign of the Year award
  • wins the Media Company of the Year award
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MMA’s International Journal of Mobile Marketing explores current mobile trends affecting marketers and media professionals today.  
NEW YORK, NY 18 September 2012 — The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) released the latest edition (Vol. 7, No. 2) of its award-winning International Journal of Mobile Marketing (IJMM) focusing on today’s mobile marketing innovations and applications. 
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Global Jury Deliberated Yesterday in NY to Review the Short List and Pick the Winners
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NEW YORK, NY (August 6, 2012) — The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) with support from the Canadian Marketing Association, released the latest edition (Vol. 7, No. 2) of the MMA International Journal of Mobile Marketing (IJMM) focused specifically on Canada. This special issue examines the dynamic progress mobile marketing is making in the country, and offers outlooks for areas of significant growth along with proprietary insights and data gleaned through case studies and research.

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Improving the Economics in Mobile Marketing 
Thursday, August 2nd 11:00AM Pacific / 2:00PM Eastern 

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Consortium Partners include Vodafone, Pandora and The Weather Channel
July 16, 2012 (New York, NY) — Today, during the MMA's Mobile CEO & CMO Summit in the Dominican Republic, Greg Stuart, CEO of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), announced that the association has secured over $1 million in funding to launch the first-ever global, in-market research project that will evaluate the return on investment that mobile contributes to the marketing mix.
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Asia Pacific, 25th June 2012 – Mobext, the mobile marketing agency brand of Havas Digital, announces the launch of a proprietary, next generation global mobile messaging platform.  The platform allows companies to launch sophisticated, multi-country mobile messaging campaigns.  
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