MediaMath Identity Playbook | MMA Global

MediaMath Identity Playbook

Released in July 2020, MediaMath’s whitepaper Preparing for a Post-Third-Party Cookie World: Identity & the Future of Online Advertising explains how identity works today so brands can be informed for tomorrow. The premise for the paper stems from a societal need for a thriving open ad-supported Web where publishers, brands and people all benefit from value exchange. We shared tips on what marketers can do today in order to not only prepare for future standards, but how they can help design a better ecosystem—one in which consumers continue to get the content they love while feeling certain that their data privacy is respected.

We are pleased to follow up to our “Identity 101” with this playbook, your guide on the available options that will empower you to take advantage of first-party identity, so that you can play a role in the mission to usher in a better ecosystem for brands, publishers and consumers.

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