Metrics | MMA Global


The Metrics Commitee is developing a recommended set of guidelines to measure the effectiveness of mobile marketing programs.  The Metrics Committee is initially focused on developing a Metrics Study/Report which will establish a baseline for future metrics initiatives.

Chair:  Jean Berberich, Procter & Gamble, [email protected]

Metrics Report Chairs:
     Joe Barone, VIRTU Mobile, [email protected]
     Gene Keenan, Carat Interactive, [email protected]

Metrics Report - proposed timeline below:

August 16: RFP Developed and Sent to Committee
August 18: Metrics Committee Feedback Due
August 19: RFP issued to prospect list
August 26: Questions due from prospects
Sept 2:      RFP Responses Due
Sept 8:      Committee Meeting to review proposals
Sept 15:    All funding secured
Sept 16:    Select vendor for proposal
November: Study Available
November 29: Launch at Annual General Meeting (11/29)

- Jean Berberich, Procter & Gamble (Chair)
- Gene Keenan, Carat Interactive (Chair)
- Joe Barone, VIRTU Mobile (Chair)

- Michael Becker, iLoop Mobile
- Nihal Mehta, ipsh!
- Rob Lawson, Enpocket
- Roxane Teymourtash, Mobile Media
- David Oberholzer, Verizon Wireless
- Laurie Cutts, M-Qube
- Chris Black, Cingular Wireless
- Matt Champagne, Microsoft
- John Styers, Sprint-Nextel
- Janine Heim, Lucent Technologies
- Kerry Clayman, Mobliss
- Carey Wilkins, VML
- Debra Bluman, Vindigo/Zingy