Sergio Reyes | MMA Global

Sergio Reyes

Sergio Reyes
Vocal, MMA Spain

Started in the 'videogames industry' since his professional inception. Microsoft , Koch Media and Warner Bros are companies in which it has developed its product perspective, adding extra value within each mkt. department he was part of. Sergio has also had different career stages as an independent consultant of agencies, companies and medias in recent years.

Afterwards he decided to give a try a different sector , as fashion business, leading the eCommerce department, creating and improving relations with 'pure players' ecommerce websites and building up the road to their own 'online shop'.

Now, as head of brand and business development of Jet Multimedia , sister company of Digital Virgo French group, is the cornerstone in the creation and improvement of digital products and developing from the beginning new ways of added value in which potential risks become great business opportunities.