Juan Salcedo | MMA Global

Juan Salcedo

Juan Salcedo

Juan Salcedo is an entrepreneur and web enthusiast, specialized in online marketplaces, management and Internet marketing.Juan is an Industrial Engineer with a Bachelor of Science degree from Universidad de Los Andes, in Bogota, Colombia, and a Master Executive in Management from EOI Business School, in Spain. He has obtained extensive experience in management, particularly in the software, Internet and technology fields. His expertise includes design and implementation of information systems, software, e-business, and Internet. He has experience and complete understanding of the Software Development Lifecycle and strong knowledge of online business marketing, strategic planning, logistics, and CRM-ERP applications. With an engineering background and an analytical mind, Juan has developed a career in the Internet, he currently leads Voice123 and Language123 two of the marketplaces founded by Alexander Torrenegra from Torrenegra Labs.At Voice123 and Language123 Juan has been able to contribute his experience and expertise in strategic business planning, marketing, project management, and customer relations in the technology and online industries to help develop outstanding business models aimed to help freelance professionals connect with potential clients and promote their services online.      

Ingeniero Industrial de la Universidad de Los Andes con Maestría en Administración de Empresas de la Escuela de Organización e Industria (España), tiene más de 15 años de experiencia en proyectos de tecnología y de Internet; tanto como emprendedor como en el mundo corporativo habiendo trabajado en diversas empresas de tecnología en Canadá, Estados Unidos y Colombia. Recientemente se ha destacado como emprendedor de online marketplaces en Colombia, Juan es co-fundador y CEO de TAPPSI, aplicación móvil para solicitar taxi seguro desde smartphones.