Advertisements on Phones-AdMob CEO Talk with (AdMob) | MMA Global

Advertisements on Phones-AdMob CEO Talk with (AdMob)

November 15, 2006

Advertisements on Phones-Admob CEO Talk with
October 15, 2006,
Submitted to the MMA by AdMob

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AdMob is poised to change the mobile internet, slightly and drastically, by enabling text advertising. It's a slight change since there will likely be just a line of text added to mobile sites. It could be a drastic change when more and more sites see the potential of advertising with mobile users in mind and create mobile sites we all love. With its recent financial backing, AdMob looks like they’re here to stay.

Omar Hamoui, AdMob’s Founder and CEO, spoke with and explained how AdMob works. Can you tell me a little about your service?

AdMob: AdMob is a mobile ad network, advertisements across mobile websites. We allow mobile web publishers, companies who are operating mobile sites to run ads on their sites and advertisers to reach that. How does this work? How does this advertising happen?

AdMob: From a site’s perspective or from an advertiser’s perspective or both? Both please.

AdMob: We can start from a partner’s perspective. They would come by AdMob, register, and then they would get some code they could drop onto their site. And essentially ads would start running. And from the advertiser’s perspective, they have a text ad and they select what channels they’d like to run their ad on. They can select the News channel or the Portals channel or the Entertainment channel. And they select what they’d like to pay per click because it is a per click model. Then ads start running across the channels that they’ve bid on. Will there be a limit on sites as to how many ads they’ll run?

AdMob: Sites are running one ad per page. We don’t set limits on the sites, but I don’t know of any running more than one ad. I just think from a usability perspective and also with it in mind that these are per click ads that owners want to encourage usability and not have people feel like they’re being bogged down with advertising. As a mobile user I think it would be nice not to have a whole bunch of them on there.

AdMob: Exactly. And out of one hundred and fifty to one hundred and sixty I don’t know of any that have more than one ad per page. Can you tell me who a few of your partners are?

AdMob: Yes. In the Community section we have sites like Ebay and Mocospace. In Entertainment there’s Mobile MTV. We have couple in Portals like Click4WAP and Techxcell. We have a Contextual Search channel, Google is one of the sites running there. (
) How does one create this kind of an ad?

AdMob: You come to AdMob and you type the text of your ad. You type the location your ad should go to. You can also create a mini-landing page if you don’t have a WAP site. Then you bid. It’s like a 5 minute process to create an ad. Was there anything else you wanted to add at this point?

AdMob: I think just generally say since you come from a Treo site that we’re really cognizant of the fact that the Treo is well suited for mobile web browsing. Part of what we’re doing is trying to make the availability of content on the mobile web more compelling. I think Treo owners and users will probably be excited about that. So you think that there are sites that haven’t had mobile sites before that will create a mobile site now that this is available?

AdMob: That’s what we’re hoping. Part of the idea behind the company is to act as a catalyst for mobile Internet and mobile content in general. Part of that hope and part of what we’re shooting for is to attract big content providers who don’t have mobile sites yet and to have them move on to a mobile platform. For me, I think it’s about time some of them do.

AdMob: I agree.

AdMob is being hailed as the “Google of Mobile”. Anyone who has used Google’s pay per click advertising will be immediately familiar with AdMob’s design. The company announced it’s extending the $20 free advertising promotion.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />