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General News

Going to Millennial 20/20? Attend our session on IoT and hear how Chris Bevans, Creative Director of DYNE, a luxury mens sportswear company, utilized IoT to improve consumer loyalty, maximize target audience reach, and optimize content to develop a strong competitive advantage. Reserve a private meeting with us to discuss how IoT can help your business boost marketing efforts and reach customers past the point of purchase. Schedule a meeting: Schedule a demo:
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After successful events in London, Paris and Düsseldorf, we are cordially inviting you to join our exclusive Audiences In Motion NYC agency event on the 16th of February at the trendy Gansevoort Park Avenue. Alongside with our partners — Forrester, GfK, Mobilewalla, oneAudience, The Trade Desk and V12 Data — adsquare ensures a morning packed full of case studies, best practices and latest insights from industry reports. Registration:
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"Post it, host it, and they will come" is no longer a surefire strategy for digital publishers seeking to expand their reach among consumers and boost revenue through subscriptions and online ads. Indeed, when it comes to content consumption, conventional websites are increasingly taking a back seat to mobile apps and social networks that can usually deliver a faster, better experience.
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Jun Group
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S4M’s served impressions, clicks, CTR, landing pages, installs and opens on mobile browsers and applications are now MRC accredited June 7, 2016 -- S4M (Success for Mobile), a fast-growing mobile ad tech company, has been granted Media Rating Council (MRC) accreditation for mobile ad metrics, including served display and rich media ad impressions, clicks, and CTR for both mobile browsers and apps. Significantly, S4M is now the only service currently accredited by MRC for certain important mobile post-click metrics, including landings for browsers, and installs and opens for apps.
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This 30 minute webinar appeals to anyone with a stake in the rapidly growing and evolving beacon ecosystem. Reveal Mobile partners with The Location Based Marketing Association (LBMA) and Swirl Networks to share new uses for beacons and never-before-seen data about the audiences bumping into beacons across the US.
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Working in marketing, you have a great eye for marketing that works, and marketing that doesn't. When you're blown away by a campaign, it sticks with you. What are the campaigns that have stuck with you when it comes to mobile marketing? The readers of Appboy's Relate blog want to know. It could be push
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It's almost summertime! For many, it's a time to kick off their shoes and relax by the pool, or take a much-needed vacation to a place far, far away. But as an advertising professional, you know that summer means conference season. For you, summer is a time to learn valuable insights from mobile marketing leaders, adjust your mobile ad strategy and...relax by the pool or vacation to a place far, far away.
Submitter's Company: 
The Mobile Majority
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Web push notifications are here. Learn why web push notifications are significant for marketers and how you can use them to boost your customer outreach.
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