December 18, 2008
Title: Mobile Advertising Raffle for BlackBerry Pearl
Brand: BlackBerry – Research in Motion
Client: BlackBerry, Mr. Thorsten Kaluza,
Category: Case study
Agency: conVISUAL,
Partners involved: Simonitsch,; Habison,, Vodafone Media Solutions!
Region: Germany
Timeline: 14 Aug to 31 Aug 08
Research in Motion (RIM) planned to realize a Mobile Advertising Campaign/Raffle for their cell phone model “BlackBerry Pearl”. Traditionally, RIM addresses business users. But this time, with the BlackBerry Pearl, they aimed to attract the younger, trend-setting private users to open up new customer segments.
RIM commissioned conVISUAL to deploy an integrated campaign with special focus on approaching the designated female and male target group aged between 20 and 39 years old. The magic word for this concept component is called Mobile Targeting. So, a mobile landing page was created informing about the features of the BlackBerry Pearl and enabling the participants to take part in a viral raffle. They were offered the chance to win a new BlackBerry Pearl for themselves and for their friends. To benefit from the viral element all friends were additionally informed via an MMS about the promotion. Female and male specific mobile content ads, partly animated and placed in the appropriate “Vodafone live!” mobile portal section, referred to the landing page, the raffle and a special BlackBerry Pearl offer in the Vodafone online shop. The aspect of cross media promotion was implemented by sending out e-mail newsletters and running a radio promotion, also offering consumers the chance to win a new BlackBerry Pearl and/or leading to the Vodafone online shop. The newsletter was designed according to the look & feel of the mobile banner ads and subdivided into a female and a male oriented version. The campaign ended with a “consolation” MMS to all participants who did not win with a special offer in the Vodafone shop.
The design aesthetics of the banner ads and newsletters effectively translated the BlackBerry message of “work-life-balance” for the non-business consumer, attracting a large number of page impressions and the raffles participation.
- Ad Clicks: > 17.000
- Page Impressions: > 38.000
- Raffle Participants: ~ 4.500
Every 4th (!) ad click led to a participation in the raffle. The Mobile Advertising campaign generated awareness, an extraordinary amount of contacts and a long-lasting identification with BlackBerry. RIM’s objective of approaching a new customer segment via mobile advertising including the specific mobile targeting was successfully achieved.