The Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Journey Map is an end-to-end guide on how to launch a successful multi-touch attribution (MTA) initiative at your organization. In order to apply MTA with success, a methodical journey must be followed, with distinct stages and components. Using feedback gained through Marketing Attribution Think Tank (MATT) working groups, five distinct stages have been identified as part of the journey, each with five common components. Marketers can use the journey map to determine their organization’s stage in the journey and understand steps forward to achieve successful MTA deployment. And at each stage in the journey, a tailored list of MTA acceleration tools are prescribed based on your specific point-in-time need. To help clarify the path to success, the Journey Map outlines five key stages to successful MTA deployment, including:
Stage 1: Initiate MTA Process - This stage involves understanding the benefits of MTA to your organization, determining scope, identifying key stakeholders, and gaining internal agreement to move forward.
Stage 2: Establish Data Readiness – This stage involves determining whether you have the necessary data, especially conversion data, to allow MTA models to be created.
Stage 3: Setup First MTA Project – This stage involves setting up your first MTA project, including brand and campaign selection, as well as selection of MTA provider.
Stage 4: Implement First MTA Project – This stage involves implementation of your first MTA project, including evaluation of the performance of your MTA provider and value of MTA tor your organization.
Stage 5: Full Deployment – MTA is fully integrated into your media planning process.