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Data sharing is at the heart of Multi-Touch Attribution, and a necessary factor in its successful deployment.
May, 2019
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According to the MMA’s most recent benchmarking survey of Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) adoption, 40% of marketers currently employ MTA, and another 33% said they plan to do so within the next year.
April, 2019
December, 2018
December, 2018
December, 2018
Case studies about Danone, Patrón, Swarovski and more will change how you employ location data
December, 2018

O SXSW ja faz parte do calendario anual de eventos de milhares de profssionais do mundo todo, tendo se consolidado como um grande palco de inovacao. Por ele passam cientistas, políticos, terapeutas, cineastas, empreendedores e engenheiros, entre muitos outros, para discutir temas que vao da fragilidade dos relacionamentos aos carros autônomos voadores, projetos espaciais e ate a regulamentacao de Inteligencia Artifcial.

May, 2018
File Size: 
7.9 MB
Education Section: 

In this document, the Mobile Marketing Association intends to dissect the main trends that will drive mobile marketing in 2018. Here, you’ll have access to insights, analysis, opinions and projections from some of the great players in the industry, who will discuss the benefits and challenges of topics such as Augmented Reality, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Payments, Location-Based Services, Multi-Touch Attribution and Transparent Use of Data.

April, 2018
File Size: 
758 KB
Mobile World Congress

O Mobile World Congress (MWC) decretou neste ano o marco inicial de uma nova era. Uma era onde a conectividade será a rainha, garantindo o acesso instantâneo a conteúdos, pessoas e “coisas” através do seu smart device.

Esperamos que gostem dos insights que trouxemos, uma vez que o MWC comprova que a tecnologia móvel é sangue, combustível e condutora de todas as indústrias que conhecemos e das novas que ainda vão nascer nos próximos anos.

April, 2018
File Size: 
11.9 MB
Education Section: 
Members Only

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The Mobile Yearbook 2017 is an educational and inspirational content hub about mobile marketing, produced throughout the year in a collaborative way with members of MMA Latam.
January, 2018
Education Section: