Agenda | MMA Global


Monday, April 10, 2017

9:00 AM – 9:45 AM

Registration and coffee / Credenciamento e café

9:45 AM – 10:00 AM

Opening remarks / Abertura e boas vindas

Vice President Innovation Americas Marketing Director

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM

MMA é a "Modern Marketing Association": Conheça o MATT e descubra o por que através dos desafios da mensuração mobile/ MMA (REALLY) stands for Modern Marketing Association: Say hello to MATT

O MMA Marketing Attribution Think Tank (MATT) vai ajudar a repensar o mundo da mensuração e da atribuição de marketing e a dar aos anunciantes melhores medidas, ferramentas e mais confiança na associação das açoes de marketing com os resultados do negócio. A primeira iniciativa do MATT é focada na Atribuição Multi-Touch (MTA), que muitos profissionais de marketing acreditam ser o "Santo Graal" para estipular a mensuração do marketing. ________________________________________________________________________________________ The MMA Marketing Attribution Think Tank (MATT) will help rethink the world of marketing measurement and attribution, and give marketers better measurements, tools and confidence in connecting marketing to business outcomes. The first initiative of MATT is focused on Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA), as many marketers believe it to be the Holy Grail to fixing marketing measurement.

MMA Global

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM

As três ondas do App Marketing /The Three Waves of App Marketing

MD LATAM & Africa
Co-Founder and COO
In Partnership With:

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Você quer saber como as marcas top 100 do Brasil pontuaram no Mobile Readiness?/Do you want to know how the top 100 Brazilian brands scored on Mobile Readiness?

Ansible’s MDEX is a global index of mobile assets from the top-ranked brands around the world. We've surveyed across four global regions, analyzing more than 2,000 brands across 15 countries and a quarter million datapoints. We will present the Brazilian brand´s ranking and discuss what are the highlights and winners on our study.

Founder & CEO
Global President
In Partnership With:

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Liderança e inovação nas organizações / Leadership and innovation in organizations

Chief Imagination Officer
Sales Vice President
In Partnership With:

12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

O mobile como protagonista: do branding à performance/ Mobile as leading role: From Branding to performance

General Manager
Vivo Ads
Head de CRM
In Partnership With:

12:30 PM – 1:55 PM

Lunch / Almoço

1:55 PM – 2:00 PM

Boas Vindas / Welcome Back

VP de Operações LATAM

2:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Desvendando melhores e maiores oportunidades através do mobile / Unlocking Bigger and Better Opportunities Through Mobile

Como as empresas podem decobrir oportunidades maiores e melhores com a estratégia mobile correta pela perspectiva de um CMO. Com todos os olhos voltados para mobile, a grande questão é qual é a melhor maneira de se destacar para capturar mais atenção e tráfego? _________________________________________________________ How companies can unlock bigger and better opportunities with the right mobile strategy by a CMO's perspective. With millions of eyeballs on mobile, the bigger question is how can you effectively stand out to capture more customer attention and traffic?

Head of Latinamerica
Director of Corporate Marketing
In Partnership With:

2:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Economia brasileira a caminho da recuperação: oportunidades no mobile / Brazilian economy on the way to recovery: opportunities in mobile

Economist and President
Ricam Consultoria
Sales Director Latam
In Partnership With:

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM

A transformação mobile através da inovação / Mobile transformation through innovation

CEO and Co-Founder
In Loco Media
Marketing Director South America
In Partnership With:

3:30PM – 4:00 PM

O negócio é criar idéias que criem negócios / Creating ideas that are business transformational

Accenture Interactive
Partner and Director of New Businesses
In Partnership With:

4:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Cases de sucesso num mundo cada vez mais móvel: Transformando desafios em soluções/ Successful cases in a world more and more mobile: Turning challenges into solutions

Marketing Director, Latin America, Oracle Marketing Cloud
Sales Partner
In Partnership With:

4:30 PM – 5:00 PM

A inovação acelerando a transformando o seu negócio / Innovation accelerating business transformation

Futurum Capital
Much More

5:00 PM – 5:15 PM

Encerramento / Wrap up

5:15 AM – 6:15 AM

Coquetel/ Cocktail

Our Partners