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Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) announces the first ‘Mobile Ecosystem and ad-Sizing Report’ that deciphers state of mobile in India in year 2015 – 2016 and what will we see in the future that will further explode this mobile first economy. Accompanied by in-depth analysis this report elaborates India’s mobile reach, smartphone penetration, rural & urban usage pattern and mobile advertising spends. It is a collaborative effort by the marketing and mobile industry, championed by the research team at GroupM India.

October, 2016
File Size: 
2.7 MB
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A toolkit developed to guide marketers through the process of identifying, selecting and applying MTA solutions to drive their business and specifically, to tie marketing to business outcomes.
August, 2021
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October, 2016
File Size: 
307 KB
Education Section: 
October, 2016
File Size: 
5.9 MB
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Geolocalização Aplicada Ao Marketing
“Geolocalização” e os benefícios da tecnologia para as marcas pautam o segundo playbook da coleção Mobile Yearbook 2016, que a Mobile Marketing Association Latam desenvolve neste ano. O livro digital - disponível na íntegra para associados MMA Latam - mostra de que forma a geolocalização abriu as portas para o surgimento da economia colaborativa e a importância da tecnologia para o mobile marketing.
September, 2016
File Size: 
7.1 MB
Education Section: 
August, 2016
File Size: 
7 MB
Education Section: 

Mobile has forever changed the way people shop. A shopper's smartphone is there for them anytime, anywhere in countless micro-moments. The question for retailers is: Are you prepared to meet these shoppers in the moments that matter most? Explore this guide—full of new research on consumer trends—to find out how to be there and be useful in this new digital landscape.

July, 2016
Education Section: 
Viewability Project Background and Data Analysis Addendum

MRC’s overarching goal when developing industry standards for media measurement is to develop metrics that can be widely used across the industry to facilitate better “apples to apples” metrics comparisons, both within and across media types. These standardized metrics are not necessarily designed to result in the exclusion of any other possible metrics, but having commonly defined metrics allows for consistency in reporting and analysis, and serves as a baseline under which all users of the data may operate with a common understanding.

July, 2016
Education Section: