Indonesia | Page 3 | MMA Global


March 5, 2024 / Jakarta, Indonesia

PT Kino Indonesia Tbk

Reckitt Indonesia

PT Clozette Interaktif Indonesia

November 15, 2024 | Jakarta

Featuring input from industry trailblazers, this is the most awaited and anticipated report to help marketing professionals strengthen their strategy to drive business growth in 2024. It covers topics such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Retail Media and the latest MarTech trends. The research in the report is backed by solid data and analyzed by experts to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

November, 2023

PT Ilmuwan Data Nusantara (ilmuOne Data)

PT AiSensum Bigdata Analytics

PT Johnson & Johnson Indonesia

The MMA Global Indonesia Brand Safety & MarTech 2023 Report delves into different viewpoints, insights, and effective approaches regarding brand safety strategies and the implementation of marketing technology. This comprehensive report will serve as an invaluable resource for industry professionals by providing them with a wealth of insights, trends and data to stay ahead of the curve.

July, 2023
Education Section: 