We’ve established that mobile engagement is crucial to the success of your app and therefore business value and brand, but how and where does mobile engagement happen?
Updates to mobile operating systems and advancements in technology have rapidly created new opportunities and methods to reach new users. In the early 2000s, SMS text messaging began to take off as a common capability with “feature” phones. Once the iPhone and Android OS came along, a well developed app ecosystem emerged. Push notifications entered the scene in 2009, offering an entirely new way for brands to communicate with their app users. A parade of new capabilities have transpired since, including digital wallets, location services, in-app messaging, message centers, and more.
In short, the communication channels to connect with customers has expanded considerably. In addition, the types of devices expanded as well: from phones to tablets to new types of wearables that make it more convenient for a user to bring their digital life with them.
So where can mobile engagement happen? It’s simple — anywhere and everywhere.
As a category, mobile engagement is very broad, spanning communications on smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and other wearables, with experiences both inside and outside of apps.
We call this combination of channels and mobile devices the mobile surface area. And it’s continuing to expand.