Mobile Ecosystem and ad-Sizing Report | MMA Global

Mobile Ecosystem and ad-Sizing Report

October, 2016
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Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) announces the first ‘Mobile Ecosystem and ad-Sizing Report’ that deciphers state of mobile in India in year 2015 – 2016 and what will we see in the future that will further explode this mobile first economy. Accompanied by in-depth analysis this report elaborates India’s mobile reach, smartphone penetration, rural & urban usage pattern and mobile advertising spends. It is a collaborative effort by the marketing and mobile industry, championed by the research team at GroupM India. Mobile Ecosystem and Sizing Report, states that the Mobile Medium is the third largest mass media in India in terms of ad spends, after Television and Print. The ad spends on Mobile media is estimated to be Rs. 4200 Cr. by the end of 2016, and is expected to grow to Rs. 10,000 Cr. by end of 2018.

The top three trends of the report include:

  • making mobile marketing ad spends reach 50% of total digital marketing spends
  • how mobile has helped marketers to reach rural media-dark markets
  • how mobile plus advertising has gained popularity amongst marketers

Through this report, our attempt is to create the first single source study of the mobile marketing ecosystem in India that can help marketers, students, tech enthusiast and journalists to gain meaningful insights on the entire ecosystem that drives the mobile story in India.

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