February 9, 2015
Submitted by inMarket
How Hillshire Farm increased sales with the inMarket Mobile to Mortar™ Platform
Lift purchase intent and raise brand awareness for Hillshire Farm American Craft link sausages.
inMarket’s Mobile to Mortar™ (M2M) Platform generated in-store awareness, raised purchase intent and lifted sales for Hillshire Farm American Craft link sausages by delivering contextual, location-based engagements when shoppers were making a purchase decision in the store -- where it matters most.
In January 2014, inMarket deployed its Mobile to Mortar™ platform -- which was the world's first beacon network in U.S. grocery stores. M2M reaches 50MM shoppers via top shopping apps including Epicurious, Zip List, Key Ring, CheckPoints and List Ease, on both iOS and Android.
Leveraging this scale on behalf of Hillshire Farm, inMarket:
Engaged consumers via beacons and geofencing in-store, encouraging them to try Hillshire American Craft link sausages.
Utilizing CheckPoints, the fastest growing loyalty and rewards app, inMarket delivered a customized message from the brand displaying the quality of American Craft and encouraged shoppers to physically pick the product up off the shelf.
By leveraging the M2M platform, inMarket encouraged shoppers to add American Craft to their shopping lists, keeping the brand top-of-mind during the most critical point of the path-to-purchase.
inMarket dramatically increased purchase intent by 20x for Hillshire Farm American Craft, delivering over 194,000 Mobile to Mortar™ engagements and over 9MM brand impressions.
The campaign resulted in a 36% increase in brand awareness and a 1.3x ROI.
“We started experimenting with location-based technologies and increased focus on mobile a year ago, recognizing that location is key to engaging with our consumers. Hillshire, BPN and inMarket designed a mobile-first campaign that leveraged beacon and geofence technology to identify potential customers in-store and serve them relevant, timely information that they could use immediately to shop.”
David Ervin, Director of Integrated Marketing, Hillshire Brands