eBay (dynetic mobile soutions) | MMA Global

eBay (dynetic mobile soutions)

February 10, 2006

Dynetic Mobile Solutions (www.dynetic.net)

eBay Germany wanted a mobile service that would allow users to register to receive SMS alerts for tracking items and auctions on the eBay web-site and then enable them to re-bid directly via SMS whenever they are out-bid. 

dynetic mobile solutions developed a unique SMS alerts and rebidding service for eBay.  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

In this service eBay users can register to receive SMS alerts for items and auctions via the eBay web-site and are able to re-bid directly from their handset via SMS. The service can be registered directly from the eBay web-site at the bidding page after placing a bid.

The SMS application has been developed on the basis of the emoveo UAP technology framework which enables universal development, content optimization and delivery for SMS, MMS, mobile Internet or Java applications. emoveo UAP has been utilized by eBay since 2002 to deliver global mobile applications. The SMS application manages the user registrations and data, controls the alerts and re-bidding processes, data flows as well as offers a real-time reporting tool for all transactions. The application is conceived as a universal SMS interface layer, is ready to be connected to any SMS gateway worldwide and provides a multilingual, mandator-ready framework for eBay. In addition dynetic was responsible for developing the integration of the application into the eBay web-site to enable users to register and configure their alerts settings.

Many thousands of dedicated eBay users registered for the new SMS alerts and re-bidding service during it’s first month and results are exceeding expectations.