South Africa | MMA Global

South Africa

Dubai, October 2020 | Nabd, the world's largest Arabic News Aggregator platform, has today announced its strategic partnership with Huawei, whereby Nabd provides personalized Arabic content for Huawei smartphone users in the MENA region via “Huawei Assistant” and “Huawei Browser”.


Submitter's Company: 
Nabd App

Helm has announced its Employee Ownership Plan, rewarding key staff with a significant stake in the business. This marks a momentous shift in their ownership structure as Helm evolves into a staff-owned company.


The clues to whether businesses are making the right investments now to ensure that they can provide the right experiences across the channels that consumers will come to expect is held in the data from the Wunderman Thompson Future Shopper Report 2023.

What is Digital Transformation?

Congratulations and well done to all the Smarties 21' Pitch Finalists.

Winners will be announced at the Smarties Awards Ceremony scheduled for February 22'

Each year, the MMA SMARTIES celebrates innovation, creativity, and success by showcasing the most effective mobile marketing campaigns. However, it’s fair to say that 2020 challenged our industry like never before. We heard many stories of campaigns that had to drastically change course overnight, accounts that were suspended, jobs lost, and, most tragically, valued colleagues passing away.