India | Page 35 | MMA Global


December, 2015
Education Section: 
October 7, 2016 | India

One97 Communications Limited

Hindustan Unilever Limited

United Spirits Limited India - a Diageo Group Company

State of the Industry 2015: Mobile Marketing in India by WARC in association with MMA

Marketers in India appreciate the importance of mobile but a significant number of respondents lamented the lack of reliable performance metrics as as per the joint research conducted by Warc and the Mobile Marketing Association. A qualitative analysis of comments from those surveyed suggested that a lack of marketer education was also a hindrance, with concerns ranging from a lack of technical understanding to a dearth of proven methods for delivering effective campaigns.

September, 2015
Education Section: 
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The State of Mobile Marketing in India report published by Econsultancy and the Mobile Marketing Association Asia Pacific (MMA) takes a close look at how India organisations and agencies are responding to the ever-expanding reach and importance of mobile.

December, 2014
Education Section: 

The MMA India report, powered by exchange4media, (in its third year now) is based on extensive research, including the body of mobile advertising work seen in the market, the spends of large advertisers on the medium, spend numbers of top media agencies, figures from service providers, and reference conversations with other prominent mobile players.

October, 2014
File Size: 
401 KB
Education Section: 
September 16, 2015 | India

Digital Turbine (APAC)