For the past six years, MMA Global's Marketing Attribution Think Tank (MATT) has conducted an annual State of Attribution Benchmark Study, sourcing insights from senior marketers in North America.
The 2022 State of Attribution Benchmark Report reveals a big rise in active multi-touch attribution (MTA) adoption. For the first time, this year's report found that a majority of marketers (53%) are using multi-touch attribution (MTA) to track performance. Adoption has risen steadily over the past six years, dipping slightly in 2021 and rebounding dramatically in 2022 with a nearly 33% increase.
MTA adds scale, granularity and actionability in unified measurement and attribution. Specifically:
- Scale & Granularity: MTA users are far more satisfied (70%) than non-users (42%) with the ability to measure the effectiveness of a large part of their marketing spend.
- Actionability: MTA users are better able (63%) than non-users (51%) to apply learnings immediately to optimize their spend allocation.
- As MTA matures, expectations and reality are coming closer together in terms of scope (about a third of media can be tracked by MTA) and ROI contribution, among users and non-users of MTA.
Despite the advancing maturity of MTA—27% of marketers are currently at full deployment—the overall Net Promoter Score (NPS) for MTA solution providers remains in negative territory at -16, up from -42 in 2016. Challenges around access to walled gardens activity, data sharing rules, and implementation difficulties all contribute to marketers’ frustrations with cracking the attribution code, according to this year’s research.
Additionally, while even non-users see MTA as a crucial part of a unified measurement strategy, many marketers agree that more effort is needed to consolidate campaign results from MTA and other tools into clear and actionable scorecards for management, and nearly half of the marketers surveyed can't conclusively determine which tactics perform best.
Download the full report for more details and complete findings.