APAC | Page 7 | MMA Global


Reckitt Indonesia

January 2024 | Ho Chi Minh CIty

ABI Games Studio will tap on proprietary ad monetization and optimization solutions through AnyManager

AnyMind Group, a technology company for the business supply chain, has today announced a partnership with ABI Games Studio (ABI), a leading publisher in the mobile gaming industry in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, for advertising monetization and optimization solutions of ABI's mobile games. 

Submitter's Company: 

PT Clozette Interaktif Indonesia

April 24, 2024 | Mumbai

MMA DATA Unplugged India | 3rd Edition - Attendee

The 3rd edition of MMA Data Unplugged delivered profound exploration of AI and ML, offering valuable insights into their potential future impact. The event provided in-depth analysis that enhanced an understanding of the dynamic landscape of these technologies. I eagerly anticipate future editions, hoping for continued enlightening perspectives on emerging trends in the field.

Marketing Lead

MMA DATA Unplugged India | 3rd Edition - SPEAKER

Congratulations on such a wonderful & successful event with diverse opinions and backgrounds. It was great chatting with everyone and sharing our thoughts on AI.

Head of Data Science and AI
Hansa Cequity