Maria Dominika Theresia | MMA Global

Maria Dominika Theresia

Maria Dominika Theresia
Beauty and Wellbeing Unilever Indonesia DMC Lead
Unilever Indonesia

A professional in Media, enthusiast in Marketing, and constant apprentice of Digital and Commerce with more than a decade of experience, including almost 7 years in Unilever Indonesia. Also, a mother of a 5-years-old daughter and a wife to a geeky researcher. Based on Insights Discovery, I'm a Yellow - Blue personality, while MBTI said I'm an ESFP. I like to consider myself as outgoing introvert. I enjoy doing chores in my free time. It gives me comfort to see one thing less messy in life. My favorite quote recently by Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”