Mobile Native Advertising Best Practices | MMA Global

Mobile Native Advertising Best Practices

MMA Mobile Native Advertising Best Practices
November, 2015
Education Section: 

Successful advertising is noted for standing out, clear and distinct from your competition. But this goes against the very nature of native ads, which are all designed to “fit in”. The notion that advertising must grab attention raises a pertinent question in the mind of every marketer who plans to go native - will it really deliver on its lofty promises? The answer lies in truly understanding the intent behind native advertising, and then implementing it the right way.

The goal of this paper is to go beyond having an ad that merely looks like native content to one that behaves like native content, too. As advertisers continue to push for the development of both vectors – format and context – users and advertisers alike will benefit from advertising that connects people to products in ways that are meaningful and additive to the experiences today's Internet offers. 

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