MMA Mobile Application Privacy Policy Framework | MMA Global

MMA Mobile Application Privacy Policy Framework

December, 2011
Education Section: 

The Mobile Marketing Association is the premier, global not-for-profit trade association that works to promote, educate, measure, guide and protect the mobile marketing industry worldwide. In this capacity, we are pleased to introduce the attached Mobile Application Privacy Policy, authored and prepared by the MMA Privacy & Advocacy Committee. The intent of this privacy policy is to provide the mobile application developer with policy language that can be quickly and completely understood by the consumer.

Goal for the Privacy Policy

The MMA Privacy & Advocacy Committee intends for this mobile application privacy policy to be used as a starting point for most mobile applications. The policy is designed to address the core privacy issues and data processes of many mobile applications, but should not be considered sufficient by itself to cover all types of applications. There are many areas where many in the mobile marketplace are experimenting with privacy enhancing technologies, and we applaud those efforts. The core goal for this privacy policy framework is to encourage the mobile application developer community to continue to move consumer privacy interests forward. We strongly encourage those using this model policy to consult an attorney and/or privacy professional when crafting your own policy.

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