Ice cream company Algida boosted its sales with instant retailer Getir through creative messaging on Meta that adapted to local weather conditions.
The main goal of Turkish ice cream brand Algida was to drive sales. The campaign it undertook to do so faced three main challenges:
Algida's main KPI as it addressed these challenges was increasing its revenue without hurting ROAS.
Target Audience:
Algida's target audience could be summed up as everyone in Turkey, especially those able to order ice cream from instant retailer Getir.
Instead of breaking down demographics and interests, Algida segmented users by their current city and created separate campaigns for every single city targeted. This decision was based on the insight that consumers' decision to consume ice cream in a given instant is more dependent on the current weather conditions of their location than on their demographic segment.
Creative Strategy:
Algida worked with Mathrics to create more than 1,000 customized creatives that could be shown to users in every city depending on the current weather conditions.
Algida took into consideration not only the warmth of the city, but also the weather conditions such as wind or rain, and created relevant messages designed for each temperature interval and weather event.
Mathrics created a data feed that enabled Algida to use the relevant asset when a specific weather condition prevailed. For example, when it was not windy at all, Algida used "Esmiyor" ("Does not blow," in English) in its messaging (and this creative was the highest performer among the creative sets).
For challenging weather conditions — for example, rainy days — the creative spoke about "enjoying staying at home with your ice cream" and mainly showed boxed Algida products.
This personalized approach in creative drove higher click-through rates and conversion rates and lower costs per acquisition than the brand's generic assets that were run simultaneously with the same target audience and placements.
This was the first time that Algida tried running such a dynamic campaign on Meta, but dynamic creative optimization (DCO) had been used extensively in programmatic display campaigns. The main difference between this campaign and similar campaigns on display was that it was e-commerce-focused and was run through a Collaborative Performance Advertising Solutions (CPAS) account, which made it possible for Algida to optimize and measure it in terms of e-commerce success.
Overall Campaign Execution:
What differentiated this campaign from a typical DCO effort was that it took place on Meta platforms instead of programmatic display, which made it significantly more challenging.
Since Algida's main channel for driving measurable ROAS with e-retailer partners was Meta, being able to create a modular creative structure for this platform was incredibly important. This creative approach to reach the campaign's main objectives led Algida to create a media-first campaign structure.
Mobile Execution:
Algida worked exclusively with instant retailer Getir on this project, specifically targeting users on Getir's mobile app. Algida's previous learnings showed it that mobile produced better performance compared to desktop, so the campaign targeted only mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets.
Thanks to Algida's creative and modular approach, the brand was able to grab its target audience's attention more easily and increase its overall sales in digital for a given e-retailer.
This was the first time Algida tried running such a dynamic campaign on Meta, but the brand created a multicell study to compare it to its "business-as-usual" campaigns. Algida created two separate campaign sets with the same budgets and targeting, with the only difference being the assets: social DCO assets that were personalized depending on the weather conditions and the business-as-usual assets, which were static and generic.
The conversion rate was 121 percent higher for the DCO assets compared to generic assets, even though the click-through rates were nearly the same. Algida also found that the revenue generated by DCO assets was 2.5 percent higher and their ROAS was 1.1 percent higher.