Brand growth, development and enrichment. These components are critical to a successful brand awareness campaign as well as establishing brand recognition and familiarity with your customers.
North America – Lead Generation / Direct Response / Conversions
A great lead generation campaign will expertly use mobile to directly impact sales, conversions, trial or purchase intent. It can also be quite powerful prior to any transaction(s) if the mobile campaign attracts a good amount of prospective customers that are primed for future engagement and sales.
A promotion can range from contests and coupons to special offers, sweepstakes and POS/Merchandising. Demos, coupons, exhibitions/trade shows, games, special offers (and more) are also fair game for this category.
Creative Digital Agency, Inc.
/ Creative Digital Agency, Inc. / Bravecto / Merck Animal Health
Marketing Objective
North America – Relationship Building / CRM
Keeping the customers you have is already tough. Increasing their loyalty is another thing altogether. But that’s what CRM is all about - building and managing customer relationships. This category is for the best examples of how mobile can be the cornerstone to those relationships.
Driving social change - from the palm of your hand. Or your tablet. Or some other mobile device. The point is, campaigns for not-for-profits or government agencies are now more powerful than ever because mobile makes them accessible to everyone. This category is for best in class campaigns that create significant social change or deliver against a public service.
This category utilizes mobile as a core strategy, along with one or more separate channels to round out the campaign. This could include: TV, print, radio, outdoor, PR, direct marketing, etc.
This category is for campaigns integrating a minimum of 3 mobile applications or mediums (i.e. apps, mobile web, messaging, video, display, search, etc.). We looked for campaigns that hit the above marks, and are strategically customized for each experience.
This category focuses on the use of SMS/MMS to brilliantly bring a marketing campaign to life. Examples could include (but are not limited to): activation of marketing programs, customer acquisition, engagement and conversion.
Any application that provides information, entertainment, productivity or utility for the customer. Mobile App can be part of a broader marketing strategy or a stand-alone brand experience. Both short-term apps for a specific moment in time as well as longer term apps are eligible for this category.
An ad that follows the natural form and function of the user experience in which it is placed can be especially impactful. This category celebrates the best examples of native mobile - both display and video.
Current research indicates that 4 out of 10 people conduct their searches exclusively on mobile during a typical day. This category showcases the ever-important campaigns that have search at their core.
Social can include networks (think Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.), person-to-person (i.e. Skype, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp etc.). Of course, all work must be focused on the mobile platform.
A website designed specifically for the smaller screen that is both thoughtful and delivers an enhanced user experience - no matter the objective. From products and brands to companies and services, we are looking for the best in mobile web that is not an app.
For this category, innovation in mobile marketing can come from two different places: Groundbreaking/new technologies or an unconventional/creative use of existing technology.
North America – Location Based Services or Targeting
Connecting to customers with the most relevant message when and where they are most likely to act with location based targeting is a marketer’s dream. Easier said than done? This category can include one-off executions or longer term campaigns but must include specifics on impact against your marketing goals.
Baker Street Advertising and Clear Channel Outdoor
/ Clear Channel Outdoor
/ Northern California Honda Dealers
North America – Mobile Payments / Commerce
Transactions via mobile have become much easier to navigate, more beautiful in their design, and way more trustworthy. This category exhibits the best examples of mobile commerce that can be an app and/or native mobile capabilities.
Mobile is quickly ascending as the dominant screen for video consumption. It’s nuanced and intimate and is proven to yield impressive results as the most effective storytelling platform, despite the small screen. The formula for success is far more complicated than a 30 second spot but also offers greater opportunities.
Technologies such as virtual reality and computer generated content in combination with live video have pushed the boundaries of creativity in mobile. This category flaunts the most immersive and/or interactive brand experiences using this technology.
It’s hard to argue with the immersive power of 360 video to engage viewers. Because the medium is already captivating by nature, we are looking for the most creative uses for this category.
North America – The Internet of Things - Products in the Market
By definition, The Internet of Things is composed of any technology, device or wearable that sends and receives data via the mobile driven internet. For this category, we are looking for products that are out in the market right now.