Dove is committed to educating and helping the next generation of women develop a positive relationship with their bodies. As a proud partner of the Swedish Cancer Society's Pink Ribbon 2020, Dove wanted to connect with young women and educate them about the importance of self-checks and help make it part of their routine.
In Sweden, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among women. While most young women are aware of the risk of breast cancer, they don't know how to perform a self-check. Many just wait until they are over 40 and get called for hospital-based mammograms.
Few brands or partners directly tackle the behavioral issue at the root of the problem: to get more young women to start routinely performing self-checks.
Dove is committed to educating and helping the next generation of women develop a positive relationship with their bodies. As a proud partner of the Swedish Cancer Society's Pink Ribbon 2020, Dove wanted to connect with young women and educate them about the importance of self-checks and help make it part of their routine.
Its goal called for a double-sided strategic approach:
Target Audience:
Dove's target audience consisted of women between the ages of 18 and 35. Their mobile phone is their most prized possession, they love to engage with content, and share it with their friends. Moreover, they also know the potential risks of breast cancer, but few regularly perform life-saving self-checks.
Creative Strategy:
Breast cancer is the single biggest threat to women's health in Sweden. It accounts for 30 percent of all cancers and has the second-highest death rate. But early detection reduces the risk of death significantly.
So regular self-checking is crucial for younger women, as starting preventative action at a young age forms life-long habits.
Dove believes in feeling like the best version of yourself and in that concept lies an element of self-care. And what better self-care for young women than taking the Pink Ribbon breast-examining advice to heart?
The company wanted to raise the bar for purposeful advertising and help tackle this problem by educating young women about the importance of conducting self-checks and actively engaging with them to show them exactly how to do it, step-by-step, in a fun interactive way.
As such, Dove had to revolutionize traditionally boring breast-checking brochures and deliver the information to them in a dynamic, engaging format on an accessible mobile app with interactive and sharing abilities.
This would help change behaviors and turn self-checks into a habitual process for young Swedish women, to help them spot any changes as soon as possible.
This was especially important in the middle of the pandemic as everyone had their attention around health focused on COVID, but cancer remains a medical concern, irrespective of the pandemic.
It was the first year of Dove's partnership with The Swedish Cancer Society's Pink Ribbon.
Overall Campaign Execution:
Snapchat was identified as the ideal media platform and its AR Lenses the tool to bring essential information to life in a fun interactive way. The AR set up would enable Dove to design an experience that would create a unique emotional connection with its audience by putting their bodies at the center of the content.
Plus, Snapchat is where Dove's audience spends their time, where they love to engage with content and share it with their friends and where important information could be delivered directly on their mobile phone.
The Snapchat Lens was bought on to maximize both reach and the number of shares. Dove combined this with Snap Ads to drive further awareness and clicks. The budget was less than $500,000 and 100 percent was spent on mobile.
Mobile Execution:
Using Snapchat's interactive Lenses, Dove created an educational Augmented Reality campaign to show young women how to examine their breasts for potential changes.
Its AR Body Lens showed users a step-by-step self-check guide, overlayed and mapped to their bodies. The Lens allowed women to perform self-checks in a discreet, safe environment without actively engaging the camera and accidentally recording themselves.
Dove also created a Face Lens for users to spread the word and share the guide, encouraging friends to #CheckYourself.
The last step of the guide drove the women to the Cancer Foundation site for more information and contact details if any irregularity was found. The combination of Lenses ensured more time was spent with the campaign, reinforcing Dove's important message and its connection to the Pink Ribbon.
How do you quantify a life-saving habit?
Dove's campaign successfully reached over 830,000 unique users with this important message, which is significant given the country has a small population with approximately1.2 million 18-to 35-year-old women.
The average playtime using the Lens was 27 seconds versus the benchmark of 15 to 20 seconds, enough for users to perform a self-check. A total of 373 hours was spent with the Lens during October.
A brand lift study showed a 200 percent increase in ad awareness and a 250 percent increase in Dove's association with the Pink Ribbon.
There was also a 14 percent lift in perception of "How purposeful Dove is" and a 12 percent increase in penetration. The Lens is now being rolled out to other markets to help increase breast cancer survival rates through early diagnosis.