Lifebuoy embraced the power of big data and artificial intelligence to alert Vietnamese people of potential outbreaks of seasonal diseases. The company leveraged Google software, its own proprietary framework, and partnered with health organization Hellobacsi to warn Vietnamese mothers of outbreaks in real time. It also provided them with valuable hygiene content to prevent the spread of disease.
Objective and Context:
Lifebuoy, the leading hygiene brand in Vietnam, believes in staying one step ahead of infection. Influenza infects 1.8 million individuals every year in Vietnam with thousands of more cases going unrecorded. Seasonal diseases like H1N1, Flu, and Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease have also gotten out of control in recent years. A simple hygiene practice like handwashing can prevent kids from getting these preventable infections.
Target Audience:
Most Vietnamese moms look for cures as a reactive measure rather than taking precautionary measures to prevent the spread of disease. Lifebuoy wanted to alert these moms about potential disease outbreaks and educate them on the importance of handwashing with soap.
Creative Strategy:
Embracing the power of big data and artificial intelligence, Lifebuoy activated a real-time, hyper-customized infection alert system, combining two powerful tools:
Overall Campaign Execution:
Based on the high correlation between weather signals, disease search trends, and disease outbreak patterns over the last eight years, Lifebuoy leveraged Google's Ruled by Weather system to create a dashboard alerting people about Flu, Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease, Dengue, and Diarrhea predictions across Vietnam. The system would consolidate real-time data from OpenWeatherMap and Google Search Trend to make real-time predictions of disease outbreaks.
A set of master assets were created and hyper-customized for different diseases and 64 trigger locations across Vietnam. Over 100 assets were created and mapped into the system. The infection alert system would map the disease outbreak prediction with the assets map, which would then trigger the campaign status to be toggled ON or OFF programmatically. This would alert moms of outbreaks with a customized message in real-time.
Mobile Execution:
Lifebuoy partnered with Hellobacsi, the biggest health community in Vietnam, to provide useful hygiene content. The disease alert system led people to the Lifebuoy hub on Hellobacsi's website which featured an array of content on prevention, cures, and must-know health tips for kids.
As a result of the program, Lifebuoy sales grew more than 20 percent.