Januar Wismoyo | MMA Global

Januar Wismoyo

Januar Wismoyo
Managing Director, Customer Engagement Solutions
ADA Asia

Januar has over 18 years of professional experience in different telco-related functions. He started as a network management engineer in Dian Graha Elektrika for Siemens, before joining XL Axiata to head the Revenue Assurance and Wholesale division. Januar managed international roaming partnership and intercarrier relations and pioneered the growth of A2P business. Later, Januar was made Head of Mass Segment Acquisition for XL products.

Prior to ADA, he was the Senior Vice President of Revenue Management and Assurance in Indosat Ooredoo. In ADA, Januar is the Managing Director of the Customer Engagement Solutions division, heading the business across all 11 markets. He is most passionate about growth and providing solutions and value to clients' businesses. 

For leisure, he enjoys exploring culinary creations and music-related activities.