Real Time Bidding | MMA Global

Real Time Bidding

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. It’s hard to imagine there was a time before we reached smartphone ubiquity that all the talk was about ‘feature phones’.

Launched in 2010 real time bidding (RTB) essentially the automation of buying and optimising digital media campaigns in real-time, through an auction between the buyer and seller. RTB has totally revolutionised the way in which we buy media. Previously planner buyers would decide what ad inventory to buy and go direct to the media owner. Now, with RTB, we are able to be much more flexible with the inventory we buy and are seeing more efficient outcomes. The question is, will the industry fully embrace this buying model and what does it mean for the future of media buying?

AdTheorent, Inc., the first intelligent Real Time Bidding (RTB)-enabled mobile ad network, today announced the release of a white paper describing its patent-pending Real-Time Learning Machine™ (RTLM), the first real-time learning and predictive modeling platform developed specifically for mobile advertising. Authored by Dr. Saed Sayad, Chief Data Scientist for AdTheorent, the white paper – available at – details the key differentiators of AdTheorent’s RTLM, which learns in real-time, generates data-driven predictive models “on the fly” and predicts faster than any other data mining technology, yielding demonstrable results for AdTheorent’s mobile advertisers.