Overall Rank: | 15 |
Points: | 76.4 |
Awards Won: | 5 |
Finalist(s) Achieved: | 2 |
Best in Show(s) Won: | 0 |
Gold(s) Won: | 1 |
Silver(s) Won: | 1 |
Bronze(s) Won: | 3 |
Region: | Global |
Campaign Name | Brand | Advertiser | Agency | Location | Category | Awards Program | Awards Won |
How to increase online sales with an "Experience Management Platform"! | Tadım | Tadım | Neodigital | Turkey | Data/Insights | Smarties X | Bronze |
How to increase online sales with an "Experience Management Platform"! | Tadım | Tadım | Neodigital | Turkey | Data/Insights, Social Commerce, Customer Experience | Smarties EMEA | Gold, Bronze, Finalist |
How to increase online sales with an "Experience Management Platform"! | Tadım | Tadım | Neodigital | Turkey | Data/Insights, Social Commerce, Customer Experience | Smarties Turkey | Silver, Bronze, Finalist |