Overall Rank: | 1 |
Points: | 68.6 |
Awards Won: | 4 |
Finalist(s) Achieved: | 1 |
Best in Show(s) Won: | 0 |
Gold(s) Won: | 1 |
Silver(s) Won: | 1 |
Bronze(s) Won: | 2 |
Region: | APAC |
Campaign Name | Brand | Advertiser | Agency | Location | Category | Awards Program | Awards Won |
Banh Mi Takeover | Lifebuoy | Unilever | Mindshare | Vietnam | Social Impact Marketing | Smarties APAC | Finalist |
Building Stronger roots in the Holy Month | Lifebuoy | Unilever | Mindshare | Indonesia | Short or Long Form Video | Smarties Indonesia | Gold |
Pride - The Discrimination Removal | Lifebuoy | Unilever | Mindshare | Vietnam | Data Insights / Contextual Marketing | Smarties X | Bronze |
Tet 2022 - The Safe Ticket Home | Lifebuoy | Unilever | Mindshare | Vietnam | Customer Journey Marketing - Lead Generation / CRM, Contextual Targeting | Smarties X | Silver, Bronze |