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Mobile Barometer

The Mobile Marketing Association has partnered with comScore to provide a series of valuable mobile insight reports for 2013. The Mobile Barometer contains audience measures for a range of mobile activity with trends in device ownership and platform share broken down by age and gender. This quarterly report is free to download and covers the five biggest mobile markets in Europe respectively - UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy.

Education Section: 
The Essential Considerations for Mobile Email

Mobile devices are revolutionizing the way people experience email today. The use of mobile email continues to grow as more consumers seek to stay informed through their smartphone, tablet, or other connected devices. With 88% of people checking their email via mobile devices daily, it’s imperative that marketers develop a strategy to produce emails that are optimized for mobile. In fact, more Android devices are registered every day (1.3MM) than there are weddings, babies born, and deaths COMBINED each day globally... x2!

July, 2013
Education Section: 
Smart Mobile Cross Marketing Effectiveness Research Insight Report

With marketers focused on their bottom line, few have the resources to initiate a robust analysis on how media channels interact and integrate. To provide the industry greater clarity about the value of mobile marketing, the MMA is committed to delivering insights surrounding mobile’s impact on ROI and its affect on business goals.

May, 2015
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684 KB
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May, 2013
Education Section: 
Mobile Marketing Economic Impact Study

Executive Summary

The Economic Impact of Mobile Marketing In the United States

The pages that follow report the results of a six-month investigation by the principal authors into the size and scope of the impact of mobile marketing on the United States economy, conducted at the behest of the Mobile Marketing Association.1

We found that the mobile marketing ecosystem...

May, 2013
Education Section: 
Members Only
The Current State & Promise of Mobile Couponing

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Education Section: 

The MMA Consumer Best Practices (CBP) for Messaging, for the United States market, provides a guide to implementing short code programs. This guideline document is a compilation of accepted industry practices, common wireless carrier policies, and regulatory guidance that have been agreed upon by representative member companies from all parts of the off-deck ecosystem. This is the last and FINAL document of its kind to be released by the MMA. All future inquiries should be directed to the CTIA.

October, 2012
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September, 2012
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Members Only

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Marketers are constantly being challenged to get the most out of their marketing budgets. The search for the optimal marketing mix, improved ROI and new consumer insights along the entire path to purchase is a constant requirement of successful marketers. The process of measuring campaign performance that informs and delivers these results is often referred to as measurement or analytics, and as noted in Figure 1 analytics is high on the list of marketer’s needs and plans. Analytics is in a maturing process in the online realm, but it remains nascent in mobile.

September, 2012
Education Section: 

This updated set of MMA Global Mobile Advertising unit guidelines is intended to simplify the creation, planning, buying, selling and reporting of mobile display ad units on a global basis. By standardizing the handful of sizes that will be most widely accepted, mobile advertising will be easier to add to the media mix of all advertisers around the globe.

August, 2012
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