January 9, 2007

Paramount Pictures Goes Mobile
Text MOVIES to 33287 for Paramount Mobile Content
HOLLYWOOD, CA (January 4, 2007) – Paramount Pictures, a unit of Viacom, Inc.(NYSE: VIA and VIAB), today announced the launch of a mobile phone portal to deliver content to mobile devices and act as a platform to promote theatrical and DVD releases. Visitors to the mobile movie sites will be able to browse and purchase movie-related content from their mobile phones, and opt-in to receive alerts about Paramount Pictures. Crisp Wireless, a provider of mobile content management solutions, was selected as the content management software partner.
“We are delivering a movie destination site that will enable users to learn about new releases, find theatres, purchase content, buy tickets and participate in promotions,” said Sandi Isaacs, Senior Vice President of Interactive & Mobile for Paramount Digital Entertainment. “Paramount Pictures will now have a direct-to-consumer relationship to deliver revenue generating content, innovative mobile campaigns, tailored promotions, DVD/retail tie-ins and collaborative partnerships with technology and media partners.”
“<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Paramount has developed a unique blueprint for promoting movies to a mobile audience, and we are thrilled to help them deliver this user experience,” said Boris Fridman, Chief Executive Officer for Crisp Wireless. “We are truly excited about Paramount’s innovative approach to the mobile medium. This is an ideal site for our mLogic Media™ platform as we are committed to providing our partners with the flexibility to continually enhance mobile strategies.”
About Paramount Digital Entertainment
Paramount Digital Entertainment (PDE) is part of the Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a unit of Viacom (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B). PPC is a global entertainment company that produces and distributes filmed entertainment through the Paramount Motion Picture Group (PMPG). PDE is responsible for the digital delivery of filmed entertainment content to consumers across current and emerging global platforms including online, wireless and gaming on behalf of PMPG labels, including Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage, MTV Films and Nickelodeon Movies. PPC operations also include Paramount Pictures International, Paramount Home Entertainment, Paramount Studios and Worldwide Television Distribution.
About Crisp Wireless
Crisp Wireless is the leading provider of mobile applications and content management solutions for consumer-facing enterprises. Crisp Wireless provides companies with an innovative new medium to reach their customers, create new sources of revenue and capitalize on the emerging mobile marketplace. The mLogic™ mobile content and commerce solutions and Crisp Wireless’ development and management services enable clients to rapidly and economically deploy multimedia content and mobile commerce solutions across all carriers and handsets. For more information, please contact [email protected] or visit www.crispwireless.com. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />