How Brands Can Make Smarter Decisions in Mobile Marketing | MMA Global

How Brands Can Make Smarter Decisions in Mobile Marketing

January, 2018

Strategies for Improved Media-Mix Effectiveness and Questions for Future Research

Published in the Journal of Advertising Research

With mobile usage now accounting for at least half of the traffic and one-third of the revenue of e-commerce, marketers face challenges as to how to optimally allocate marketing spend, and how to maximize and measure mobile’s effectiveness. An article recently published in the ARF’s Journal of Advertising Research highlights results from 11 case studies the MMA conducted for top brands, including Allstate, Unilever, AT&T and the Coca-Cola Company. Download this article now to gain insight into some of the results:

  • How should we plan and execute for mobile in the context of an integrated campaign?
  • Should we use mobile for branding, direct response, or both?
  • Are there mobile tactics that are more suitable for the upper funnel versus the lower funnel?
  • Which specific key performance indicators (KPIs) should we measure and optimize against, and how?

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